Are you searching for compatible replacement parts to use on your vehicle repair project? Body Worx is your destination for such parts replacements. With age come wear and that means parts such as handles and hinges become loose and worn, windows stop working properly, car emblems fall off, and more. It can be especially difficult to get the right part for a classic car. Simply stop by our shop and we can track down the right part that fits. If you have the part, come on down and we can install it for you hassle-free!
This is just a small list of items we typically see that wear out on vehicles. If you have something not working correctly, feel free to call us at 405-282-5014 and we can see if we can help you.
- inside door handles
- outside door handles
- window switches
- lock switches
- windows won’t go up/down
- moldings falling off
- seatbelt don’t retract
- dash knobs
- center console covers
- door hinges/pins/bushings
- sunroof doesn’t open/close
- trunk leaks
- wind noise coming from doors
- sunroof leaks